Dear diego,
Ten weeks ago, on an icy day in Springfield (!!), we launched an audacious campaign to change our politics and lift our country.
Today, I have some exciting news to share about the phenomenal progress we've made. And I wanted you to hear it first.
I'm proud to tell you that, after the first quarter of the campaign, we've exceeded all of our hopes and expectations.
In less than three months, a staggering 100,000 Americans have contributed to our cause -- tens of thousands more than the number reported by any other campaign. That's on top of the hundreds of thousands who have attended rallies, started groups and shared their ideas and energy.
It's been a truly historic response -- a measure of just how hungry people are to turn the page on this era of small and destructive politics and repair our American community.
And because of that extraordinary base of support, we were able to raise an astonishing $25 million -- $23.5 million of which can be used to help us in the upcoming primary contests.
Ten weeks ago, on an icy day in Springfield (!!), we launched an audacious campaign to change our politics and lift our country.
Today, I have some exciting news to share about the phenomenal progress we've made. And I wanted you to hear it first.
I'm proud to tell you that, after the first quarter of the campaign, we've exceeded all of our hopes and expectations.
In less than three months, a staggering 100,000 Americans have contributed to our cause -- tens of thousands more than the number reported by any other campaign. That's on top of the hundreds of thousands who have attended rallies, started groups and shared their ideas and energy.
It's been a truly historic response -- a measure of just how hungry people are to turn the page on this era of small and destructive politics and repair our American community.
And because of that extraordinary base of support, we were able to raise an astonishing $25 million -- $23.5 million of which can be used to help us in the upcoming primary contests.
What makes this achievement even more noteworthy is that we did it without taking any money from PACs or federal lobbyists. Instead, we're counting on you; on folks across America who want to take their country back and steer us to a better course.
You've sent an unmistakable message to the political establishment in Washington about the power and seriousness of our challenge. But for all the impressive numbers by which pundits will judge this campaign, we know that every step of our progress happens one person at a time.
One person sharing their story of why they decided to get involved in the political process, one volunteer deciding to have a conversation about the campaign with their neighbor, one donor owning a piece of this campaign for as little as $5. (pero eso son más de 15 pe, nigger!)
I've been struck by how personal this campaign experience has been for so many of you.
You heard last week from Rashed, a veteran and father who made his first-ever donation to a political campaign because of his hopes for his daughter. This campaign is the story of hundreds of thousands of people like him -- people participating because they believe that politics can mean something again.
We've put together a small presentation about all we've accomplished together so far, and links to a few of the personal stories from people who donated to the campaign or hosted a community get-together this past weekend. You can see it here:
I want to thank you for all that you have done so far. This milestone for our campaign proves something I learned as a community organizer long ago: that together a whole lot of ordinary people can achieve something extraordinary.
And we're only just getting started.
Thank you,
Barack Obama
1 comentario:
Diez semanas atrás, en un helado día en Springfield, lanzamos una audaz campaña para cambiar nuestra política y elevar nuestro país
Hoy, tengo algunas grandes novedades para compartir acerca del fenomenal progreso que estamos teniendo. Y quiero que seas el primero en escucharlas.
Tengo el orgullo de contarte que, después del primer cuarto de campaña, sobrepasamos todas nuestras esperanzas y expectativas.
En menos de tres meses, un ascendente número de 100.000 americanos han contribuido a nuestra causa –decenas de miles más que el número reportado por cualquier otra campaña.
Eso arriba de los cientos de miles que han participado en comisiones, iniciado grupos y compartido sus ideas y energías.
Ha sido una verdadera respuesta histórica –una muestra de cuanta gente hambrienta hay de dar vuelta la página de esta era de pequeñas y destructivas políticas y reparar nuestra comunidad de americanos.
Y debido a esta extraordinaria base de apoyo, fuimos capaces de alcanzar la arrolladora cantidad de entre unos $25 millones y $23.5 millones, los cuales pueden ser usados para ayudarnos en estas incipientes internas primarias.
Lo que hizo que estos logros sean aún más notorios es que lo conseguimos sin dinero de ningún comité de acción política o lobbista federal. Sin embargo, contamos con vos; con compañeros de toda America que quieran recuperar su país y guiarnos por un mejor camino.
Le enviamos un inconfundible mensaje a todo el establishment político en Washington acerca del poder y seriedad de nuestra propuesta. Pero más allá de los impresionantes números que describirán esta campaña, sabemos que cada paso de nuestro progreso está dado por una persona a la vez.
Una persona compartiendo su historia de porqué decidió involucrarse en el proceso político, un militante decidiendo conversar sobre la campaña con su vecino, un donante adueñándose de un pedazo de esta campaña por nada más que $5.
Estoy persuadido de cuán personal ha sido esta experiencia de campaña para cada uno de ustedes.
Lo han escuchado esta semana de boca de Rashed, un veterano y padre que acaba de hacer la primera donación de su vida a una campaña política, esperanzado en el futuro de su hija. Esta campaña es la historia de cientos de miles de personas como él –personas participando porque creen que la política puede significar algo.
Subimos una pequeña presentación sobre todo lo que hemos realizado juntos hasta ahora, y links a algunos de estas historias personales de gente que donó a la campaña o alojó a una comunidad organizada esta última semana. Lo podés ver acá:
Quiero agradecerte por todo lo que hiciste hasta el momento. Esta piedra fundamental de nuestra campaña prueba algo que aprendí como organizador comunitario hace ya algunos años atrás: que, unida, mucha gente común puede lograr cosas extraordinarias.
Y recién estamos empezando.
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